The Keto Diet — Fab or Fad? Let’s Find Out!
Have you heard about the recent Keto craze?
Celebrities keep praising it on social media, scientists are hotly debating it, and now it’s hitting the mainstream news as well.
But is it really a sound diet, or nothing but hot air? Let’s find out.
What is Keto?
The basic idea behind the ketogenic diet is this:
Usually, our body's main energy source is sugar that it gets from carbs. But on a ketogenic diet, the carb intake is reduced to only about 5% of our daily calories, putting the body in a severe carb deficit.
Meanwhile, high amounts of fat are consumed – about 75% of our required intake.
What this means is simple: The body is starved from carbs, which forces it to draw its energy from our fat storage.
Scientists call this state “Ketosis”, but we’ve also heard it being called “the holy grail of fat loss”. You decide which you prefer.
Major Health Benefits
Studies have shown that the keto diet can bring with it some major health benefits:
Improved cholesterol
Lowered blood pressure
Suppressed cravings
Improved ability to focus
Quick Results
The Keto diet starts burning fat once your body reaches the state of Ketosis.
When exactly this occurs depends on your individual body and food plan, but for most people: 2-3 days.
Once your body has adjusted to Keto, the results start showing within days. Check out this crazy video if you want to see some pretty impressive examples of what others have achieved.
Where’s the Catch?
Keto can sound a little too good to be true. A healthy diet that leads to rapid fat loss without cravings, while improving your health? There must be a catch.
And indeed, there is. Kind of.
With keto, the first few days are the most difficult - The switch from burning sugar to burning fat actually takes some serious work for your body.
It will complain. It will ring its alarm bells, asking you where you’ve hidden all the carbs, and it will demand them from you.
This is why you should be damn well-prepared for these first days.
That means knowing
- your daily calorie intake
- how many carbs and
- how much protein you need.
Knowing which foods you may eat and which you don’t, and how much. You need to find Keto-recipes, go grocery shopping, and blend it all together into daily meal plans. This can be some hefty work. Luckily, there's a better way:
The Easy Way to Start a Keto Diet
If you want to try out Keto, spare yourself the planning-effort and get into Ketosis as quickly as possible, we higly highly recommend you check out this customizable Keto plan with some really yummy (and distracting!) food.
It takes the weight off your shoulders with the 100% done-for-you Keto service.
They take you through a quiz which does all the heavy lifting for you, from determining your calorie and macro intake, to setting up your grocery list and meal plan, to outlining meal prep instructions, and more.
All you have to do from then on is follow your “paint-by-the-numbers” instructions and you will reap the rewards.
It helps a lot with fitting Keto around your schedule, as opposed to the other way around.
Should I Do Keto?
You might still be wondering if Keto right for you, and we get that.
There are a lot of diets on the market, and they all promise to be “the best one” (just like men...).
Ultimately, we think you should make a well-informed decision.
That’s why we recommend you watch this video by Rachel Roberts. She compares Keto with other, high-carb diets and talks about the 4 most common dieting mistakes nearly everyone makes - and how to avoid them.
This way, you’ll know for sure if Keto is for you or not.
Kick-Start Your Keto Journey
Get our free eBook "Deliciously Easy Keto Recipes".
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