A man’s obsession switch – and how to flip it
You’re probably here because you want to know how to get your man to commit and stay passionately in love with you. Or maybe you’re having trouble keeping him interested and are afraid he might just drift away and never commit.
Maybe you’re here because you have feelings for someone, maybe your best friend? But you’re not sure if he feels the same way about you. You find yourself wondering, “How can I get him to see me as more than a friend?” or “I know he likes me too. Why won’t he just admit it?”
Or you thought you’d have your love life figured out by now, because HELLO, it’s 2022.
But the truth is you’re still struggling with it. You feel jealous when you see your girlfriends having the perfect boyfriends, who are drooling over them all the time.
Or perhaps, nothing is wrong. You’re only here out of curiosity and want more control over your love life.
The good news is that you’re not alone in your thoughts. There are many of us who feel that way, including me. And I might have found a solution for all of us.
What drives men away: what EVERY woman needs to know
Most of the women all around the world make one common mistake without even realizing it. They spend all the time trying to present themselves as desirable and attractive women who are fun and interesting and not needy at all. They spend time cooking the most delicious meals for him and getting him expensive gadgets on his birthday. While there’s no harm in doing all these things, but you might still feel him drifting away. Not because something is wrong with you, YOU’RE PERFECT. But what matters the most isn't what he sees when he looks at you, rather how he sees himself in your eyes.
Moreover, when a man begins to sense that you’re trying to trap him in a relationship, his defense mechanisms automatically activate. He puts up a wall, and the more efforts you put in, the more he’ll close off his emotions and eventually just leave. It can be unconscious, but it’s pretty common.
So what can you do to seal the deal with the man of your dreams? What is a man’s obsession switch? And how can you turn it on?
The “secret key” to make him obsess over you
Have you ever noticed how men are so fascinated with superheroes and Marvel and DC Comics? It’s because most of the men, at some subconscious level, want to feel like a Hero. Not the kind of hero who would put his life in danger and SAVE the world. Because let’s face it, no one can do that with a 9-5 job or a huge business. But a hero in your eyes. He wants to be your hero.
A man doesn’t need you to do all the things for him or look after him all the time. Instead, he wants to feel needed and feel like a hero. They have a built-in desire for it, which goes beyond love or any physical interaction. It’s why they are always looking for something else and not satisfied with what they have. But we, as women, have a unique power to satisfy that desire.
And the secret key to do that is by flipping a switch. A switch that triggers his "Hero Instinct". And when you do that, he’ll feel a burning desire for you that’s so mighty that you’ll become the focal point of his life. You’re all he would think about all day, and he would even start picturing you in his life. You’ll literally become his OBSESSION without even realizing it.
It doesn’t matter for how long you’ve been together or how much “in love” you think he is. If you don’t bring out “Hero Instinct” in your man, he’ll always feel like something’s missing in his life. And he’ll forever be on a hunt to find that something.
So, how can you trigger the “Hero Instinct” in your man? Below are a few ways you can do that and tap into your man's innermost desire.
Make him feel needed
Bringing out a man’s “Hero Instinct” is all about making him feel like he’s needed, he’s rescuing his damsel from distress, and he’s saving the day using his masculine powers.
That does not mean you have to rely on him for everything, or it does not take away your independence in any way. You are still independent and your own HERO. But you’ll be only taking his help on smaller things. Things that he knows you can do by yourself but will appreciate that you asked him instead. And it’ll make him feel useful.
For instance, you can ask him to open a jar for you, change a light bulb, change the flat tire, or anything that makes him feel manly. Don’t ask him to do the dishes for you or attend your girlfriend’s party for you.
You can also take his help by asking him to explain something to you, anything from his favorite subject or topic. Like football or gaming market stocks. Likewise, you can ask for his advice on some significant matters without forcing him to make your decisions for you. Tell him if you are ever confused about a situation and not sure what the right way is to go about something, and take his input on it. It’ll not only make him feel like he’s helping you overcome a problem, but he’ll also appreciate that you felt comfortable and opened up about your personal life and issues.
Appreciate him
Now, if you decide to ask your man to help you with something or take his advice, you can follow this up by appreciating him. Thank him for the car he fixed for you or the drink he got you. Because you don’t want to make him feel used or like your handyman.
Appreciating a man is one of the most important points in winning his heart over. The more you’ll appreciate him, the more it’ll make him feel good, and ultimately the more he would want to be around you. In fact, it’ll also make him to appreciate you more. So it’s a win-win for everyone.
Let him know he makes you happy
If you’re happy with your man, make sure he knows that too. Don’t just assume he knows it on his own. When people are together for quite some time, they tend to take each other for granted. Unfortunately, that is one of the reasons why relationships don’t work.
If he makes you happy, let him know by saying, “you make me so happy” or anything like that. This will make him feel like he’s not failing you. It’d also boost his confidence and compel him to keep making you happy in the future.
Let him do what he loves
Don’t try to change your man or his hobbies. Accept him for who he is and encourage him to keep doing what he loves to do. Trust me, he’s really going to appreciate it.
Let him enjoy his masculine hobbies like playing video games and body building. You can rather take an interest in playing video games with him and try complimenting his muscles when he comes back from the gym.
Also, let him hang out with his guy friends without getting upset about it. It makes him feel good to be back in the manly pack.
Avoid the man of your dreams slip through your fingers
When you start using the ways mentioned above, you’ll start to see noticeable differences in your love life, like him being more attentive to your needs, starting to care for you without you having to ask for it, and sometimes even striving to impress you.
But the mentioned methods are only a few of the ways you can trigger his "Hero Instinct". There’s so much more that you can do, like sending the right text messages or making the right requests. If you'd like to know all the tips and tricks then get our free e-book "Attraction Triggers" below. We explain how you can unlock his passion and romantic desire, and how you can quickly trigger his "Hero Instinct" in a very powerful way. It's 100% free.
Become his obsession
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